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How To Type Hindi(or any other Indian Language) Easily

How To Type Hindi(or any other Indian Language) Easily

Do you want to type Hindi but don't know Hindi keys on keyboard?

Do you have to spent unnecessary money on typist just because you got trouble in typing it ?

Are you about to join class to get Hindi typing skills?

If Yes, then friends this blog can save a lot of your unnecessary spending on this task. Now, YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO TYPE HINDI FOR TYPING IT. Confused!! I think it's like Deepika Padukon Ad. of Axis Bank Mobile Banking "बैंक जाने के लिए बैंक जाना जरुरी तो नहीं". Similarly, by using the trick which I am sharing here with you "आपको हिंदी टाइप करने के लिए हिंदी टाइपिंग स्किल्स लेने की ज़रूरत नही". Friends, you can do such a amazing thing by just downloading a tool by Google named "Google Input Tools". You may get shocked when you come to know that even I don’t know how to type Hindi on keyboard and I also use the 'Google Input Tools' for typing Hindi. Even for writing Hindi in this blog I used the same tool. And the amazing thing about Google Input Tools is that you can type not only Hindi but Malayalam, Tamil, Gujarati, Punjabi and many more. Also it is a multi device supporting tool i.e. you can not only use it on PC but you can also use it on Android and ChromeBook also. So, here I am sharing how to install Google Input Tools. Here we go...

Step 1: Go to Google Input Tools Page. Here you have to select the platform on which you want to run it. Also you can try this tool here to know how it works.

How To Type Hindi(or any other Indian Language) Easily
Step 2: Select Languages you want to type with this tool. Check box 'I agree to Google T&C' and Click 'Download'.

How To Type Hindi(or any other Indian Language) Easily

Step 3: Run the downloaded file to complete Downloading and Installation Process.

How To Type Hindi(or any other Indian Language) Easily

Now, you will find an Icon of 'Google Input Tools' on you taskbar which helps you to switch between different Languages. 

"मेरे प्रिय मित्रो, अपने-अपने डीवाइसेस पर हिंदी टाइपिंग का लुफ्त उठाएये| धन्यवाद|"

Note: If you got any problem during installation, you can visit Google Input Tools Config. Page. If problem persists, you may intimate on by commenting on this page. We feel glade to help you.
