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'See Who Views Your Facebook Profile' is Fake Trick [Proved]

Recently, I am hunting around a trick How to see Who Views Your Facebook Profile The Most and i find a solution for it on WikiHow, So i approached this step and find it not a genuine trick. So, I decided to share it here. At first, I am showing you How this trick works and after it i prove Why this trick is fake ?

Step By Step Guide:

1. Open your Facebook account in any browser, Right Click on browser and Open Page Source.
See Who Views Your Facebook Profile is Fake [Proved]

2. Now Search for FriendsList.
See Who Views Your Facebook Profile is Fake [Proved]

3. Now Copy the digits that are blurred in above image, paste them as shown below and open it in a new tab,[your copied code].
See Who Views Your Facebook Profile is Fake [Proved]
4. You can take a look over all profile ids given in the page source following by InitialChatFriendsList.

Why this Trick is Fake ?

Now, come to the point that this trick works or not, of course, it's working but if you exactly watched, What we are searching, copying from page source is InitialChatFriendsList, What does it means, it simply means that your Chat Box friend List, that is, It is showing the profile ids which are showed on your Chat Box not visitors of your profile. If you think, i am wrong than you can do a test over it, see How ?

Open the page source of while you are logged in and follow the above steps for watching your Profile visitors and take a look on your Facebook Chat Box friends list, you understand, What that InitialChatFriendsList is doing.
InitialChatFriendsList is showing the list of all friends who you recently chat with or visited their profile.

Update (10th Nov 2014)

Recently, I come to know that the trick is working correctly, therefore, now, This post is invalid.


This trick doesn't require any authentication, as it's not a Facebook app but there are thousands of scams that can ruin your social profile, so be safe, active and secure.
