Ajax. ( an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. Data can be retrieved using the XMLHttpRequest object.Above definition elaborate questions arriving in your mind about Ajax, a simple definition in my words,
"Ajax is a technology that provide an ability to users to load webpages smoothly without loading similar data from both webpages".
The best example, you can see is Gmail standard version which uses Ajax technology.
Why to use AJAX ?
It's a very big question, Why to use Ajax technology, even it needs to import Ajax libraries from content delivery network. i pointed out some of the best advantages to use Ajax.
- Smooth Navigation
- Easier Integration
- Interactive Webpages
- Reduce Server Resource usage
- Faster Response
5 Best Wordpress Ajax Plug-ins
1. Subscribe to Download for Wordpress
A really nice Wordpress plugin to add Subscribe to download feature to your wordpress site. A real fact is, if you have good email subscribers, you can generate a lots of bucks from them. It also include a nice feature to add cookies to track whether the person is already subscribed or not.
2. Admin Management Xtended
This plugin make your Wordpress backend work with Ajax, It can formulate your work easy to edit post properties without opening them in a new tab. If you are using Wordpress, you were aware that on almost each click, page reloads. A new option is added 'quick edit' which save data without reloading.
3. Ajax Bootmodal Login
Ajax Bootmodal is complete solution for frontend user management. It is a lightweight plugin with lots of feature included. It uses Ajax with Bootstrap modules to make it more user friendly. It has multiple size options and buttons.
4. Ajaxy Live Search
Ajaxy Live Search changes search experience of your website user, it is custom styled search plugin inherit, facebook search pattern. This plugin uses ajax and jquery to extract results from php. It can search categories, tags, pages and posts. You can change its theme and it also supports e-commerce plugins.
5. WP-Ajaxify-Comments
This plugin ajaxify your website comments, comments only loads, when it is in viewport, you can also change it to auto load or triggered load. When a comment is submitted, it doesn't reloads page. If comment is not validated, it is automatically shows a message 'Awaiting moderation'.
Take a small break from posting articles and make your Wordpress website more efficient, Ajax calls can save your 60 % bandwidth, as described here.
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