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3 ways to let others upload files to your account anonymously

3 Ways to use a public folder to upload data anonymously
In my older post related to storage, i showed you How to backup data Online free, now, I am writing a new article that makes your work easy. If you are managing a website, forum or Facebook page that require user to upload data other than text like images or presentations, than, How to make a public folder that can be used to upload data without any registration/login ? It can be possible that there are more than three ways but i am presenting most reliable one.

1. Mediafire

3 Ways to use a public folder to upload data anonymously
Mediafire is a leading file sharing website provides you 50 GB of free space which is enough for storing personal documents as i showed before, now, How to make a public folder in Mediafire ? I elaborate it below in steps :
  • Open or create Mediafire account.
  • Then Create a new folder or press 'N' from keyboard to open new folder form.
  • Type desired name and click on 'Filedrop' checkbox.
  • Now, a confirmation box will open, press OK.
  • After it, on-screen window will open, customize it according to your requirement.
  • Now, copy Hosted FileDrop link which is used as folder public uploads.
Example shown below, you can access it through link also,

2. Dropbox

3 Ways to use a public folder to upload data anonymously
Dropbox is file sharing website popular for serving javascripts and external scripts. Now, I show you to use your Dropbox account to collect data from public without showing others uploaded data, lets check out How ?
It uses JotForm, but it is not working properly for which reason, i don't know. So, i decided not to share this.

3. OneTimeBox

3 Ways to use a public folder to upload data anonymously
OneTimeBox is dedicated for public files uploading and sharing, it is very simple to use, as it doesn't have much menu and options. It has a GB maximum file size limit with unlimited number of files and a box is usable for a week.
It is very simple to create a box, open OneTimeBox and click on 'Create your Box', now a unique link will be created, copy it from address bar and provide this link to upload anonymously. This box can also be used to share your data with a group but here is a security issue that your data is publicly available and accessed through that unique link.

Update: let other upload files to cloud storage anonymously
